Terms and conditions

Vehicle rental

1. The renter undertakes not to use the vehicle nor to permit that the vehicle be used: for the paid transportation of people or objects; in any public or private race or sporting competition; by any person who has provided A. TURBO RENT A CAR,S.L. with a fictitious name or a false age or address or contravening any of the applicable Laws, Bylaws or Regulations; to move or tow any vehicle or trailer; by any person other than the renter, the family members of the renter who share the same address as him/her, the employer of the renter or an employee of the renter making use of the vehicle in the course of the normal completion of their services for the renter. It is understood that any of the persons mentioned above must have obtained the prior authorisation of A. TURBO RENT A CAR,S.L. and that no person, including the renter, will be able to use or drive the vehicle unless in possession of the corresponding driving license. The restrictions contained in this clause are to be applied together andapply to any use or driving of the vehicle. The renter takes full responsibility for any fine, penalty or expenses deriving from the infringement of the contents of this clause.

2. The renter takes full responsibility for any infringement of traffic or parking regulations committed during the term of this contract.

3. It is hereby expressly agreed that A. TURBO RENT A CAR,S.L. takes no responsibility whatsoever for the loss or damage of any belongings left, or stored that the renter or any other person leaves, stores or transports in the vehicle, whether during the rental period or after said period has ended. The renter accepts the risk of said losses or damages, releases A. TURBO RENT A CAR,S.L. from any claim pertaining to said belongings and promises to keep A. TURBO RENT A CAR,S.L. free from and indemnified against any claim that may arise for this reason.

4. A. TURBO RENT A CAR,S.L. accepts no responsibility for any delays that may occur as a consequence of the breakdown of the vehicle or for any other reason. A. TURBO RENT A CAR,S.L. will not replace the vehicle in the event of theft or accident. A signed statement is required by the other party who is involved in the incident to accept the blame and responsibility of the accident which has taken place.

5. The customer is responsible for all damages caused to the vehicle and can be relieved by the conditions set out in the box front. In case of having to make any movement, take copies of keys or any otherservice, this will have a minimum cost of 30 €. The cost of the keys depends on the vehicle

6. The vehicle referred to in this contract is covered by an “unlimited” third-party Civil and Criminal Liability insurance policy. Since the renter will be included within said policy, he/she undertakes to fulfil all of the terms and conditions included therein. In order to fulfil the requirements of said policy, the renter agrees to immediately inform either the insurance company or A. TURBO RENT A CAR,S.L. in the event of any accident.

7. In the event of any dispute that might arise in relation to this document, all parties agree to be bound by the Laws and Courts of Ibiza, expressly renouncing any other jurisdiction that may be applicable.

8. A. TURBO RENT A CAR,S.L. offers the client a comprehensive insurance policy covering any damages to the rented vehicle caused as a result of a collision. This insurance policy does not cover damages caused to the wheels or the lower parts of the vehicle, the loss of keys, theft, tears or damage to the interior of the vehicle or accessories belonging to or delivered along with the vehicle.his insurance policy, along with the contract, will be made null and void and the renter will lose paid amount, insurance and any deposits when:

– The vehicle is driven by any person other than the renter, doesn’t have a contract or is out of date. – The driver infringes the regulations of the Traffic Laws (Highway Code). – The damage is caused intentionally or through the improper use of the vehicle. – The vehicle holds more people than the authorised number. – The vehicle is driven off of the authorised public highways. – The driver drives under the effects of alcohol or any narcotic substance.

– The renter uses the vehicle for the transportation of merchandise, the paid transportation of passengers or any other activity that involves either the direct or indirect subleasing of the vehicle.ince the insurance policy will be made null and void under the previously detailed circumstances, in these cases the renter will be held wholly responsible for any damages caused to the vehicle in the event of theft, accident, breakdown, vandalism, or loss of its parts, along with the days during which the vehicle is as a result out of service.

9. DEPOSIT. Upon signing the contract, the renter will pay A. TURBO RENT A CAR,S.L., in addition to the amount due to settle the corresponding contract, a quantity by way of deposit, the amount of which will be decided upon by A. TURBO RENT A CAR,S.L., and from which will be taken any extra charges, of whatever nature, that are incurred.in the event that said amount left by way of deposit does not cover the entire cost of said charges, the renter agrees to make up the difference to A. TURBO RENT A CAR,S.L. In the event that no additional charges are incurred, A. TURBO RENT A CAR,S.L. will return the deposit to the renter once the contract has ended and checked the vehicle.

10. RETURN OF THE VEHICLE The vehicle will be returned at the place, date and time stipulated in the contract and in the same condition in which it was delivered by A. TURBO RENT A CAR,S.L., along with all of its documentation, tyres, keys, tools and accessories. If the vehicle is returned earlier, the renter will not have any right to claim back the difference in either the fee or the insurance policy featured in the contract. In the event that the renter wishes to keep the rented vehicle for a longer period of time than that stated in the contract, he/she must obtain the written authorisation of A. TURBO RENT A CAR,S.L., to whom he/she must pay the corresponding additional amount presenting themselves at any A. TURBO RENT A CAR S.L. offices. Under no circumstances may the deposit act as payment to extend the rental period. Any deviation from the agreed upon return conditions may result in additional charges for the renter.

11. FUEL. The renter is responsible for refuelling the vehicle with the correct type of fuel, the cost of which will always be at his/her expense. Any expense or repair deriving from the use of the incorrect fuel will be at the expense of the renter. If the client returns the vehicle with more fuel than it had at the start of the contract, the difference will not be returned, for administrative reasons.

12. EXTRA CHARGES. If a vehicle is returned with the interior and/or upholsterywet or excessively dirty, the company may charge an additional cleaning fee at its own discretion. For convertibles, it is the customer’s responsability to fully cover the vehicle when it may be exposed to possible interior damage due to adverse weather conditions or any other type of conditions.
The renter liable for all traffic fines and other penalties incurred. For this reason, A. TURBO RENT A CAR S.L., reserves the right to charge an administrative fee of 50 Euros for each of the relevant procedures. A fee of 15 Euros will also be charged if the vehicle keys are returned without its keyholder. The renter authorisies A.TURBO RENT A CAR S.L. to discount from the deposit and/or excess all extra charges arising from the return of the vehicle, in accordance with the clauses of this rental agreement. If the deposit or excess does not reach the owed amount, the owner of the contract must paid the difference. A. TURBO RENT A CAR S.L., reserves the right to charge a supplement for management, being able to add the rental amount of the additional days if the late return of the vehicle causes delays or cancellations of the next reservation for the contracted vehicle model. If you wish to pay with an American Express card, a 5% surcharge will be applied to the total price of the contract.

13.1. For FLEX rate bookings, you may cancel or modify your booking without any type of penalty as long as you give 48hrs notice prior to the pick-up date of the vehicle. Otherwise, you will be charged the amount corresponding to the first day of rental of the reserved vehicle (without discounts).

13.2. For SMART rate bookings, you may not change the dates of the rental or make any modification or cancellation of the reservation that implies the refund of the amount paid to confirm it.

14. A.Turbo Rent a car, S.L. shall not be held responsible for possible errors in the calculation of prices or availability of the vehicles on the website. In the event of an error, A.Turbo Rent a car, S.L. undertakes to cancel the reservation and the payment made within a maximum period of 24 hours from the confirmation of the reservation.

15. The client must be 21 years old and have more than 2 years driving licence to rent cars, quads and vans. To rent mopeds and motorbikes the customer must be 18 years old and have a valid driving license.


Convertible vehicles should always be parked with the hood closed.
This vehicle will be immediatley taken away if found UNLOCKED (steering block and lock), BADLY PARKED or with an EXPIRED CONTRACT. Your contract will be cancelled and you will lose the amount previosly paid (rent, deposit or excess)

A. – Always lock the vehicle. Do not leave valuables in your vehicle. If the vehicle is stolen, you will be required to pay the excess of the vehicle, and you must file a police report and bring the company a copy of it. Failing to file the report will lead to paying the value of the vehicle. The contract will be automatically cancelled and you will lose the amount previously paid (rent, deposit or excess). The full insurance does not cover under any circumstances the theft of a vehicle.
B. – If vehicles are not returned at the stipulated date and time, there will be a surcharge of 20 Euro per hour or fraction of time for cars and quad bikes, and 10 Euro per hour or fraction of time for scooters. If a vehicle is returned to an office other than the pick-up office, you will have to pay a 25 Euro fee. And, additionally to this 25 Euro fee, if the vehicle is returned outside standard opening hours, there will be an extra fee of 10 Euro. Vehicles that use the airport’s private parking lot for vehicle pick-up or drop-off will be charged an additional 20 Euro.
C. – Driving the vehicle outside the authorized roads is forbidden and will be considered a misuse of the vehicle. Likewise, the lessee is not allowed to use the vehicle outside the island of Ibiza and/or allow the vehicle to leave the island. Handling parts or components of the vehicles such as hoods or roofs will also be considered misuse of the vehicle. If you want to modify such parts, you must inform an employee of the company, but under any circumstances shall the customer do it on their own. Smoking inside the vehicle is prohibited, as well as transporting pets or animals inside the vehicle. Such circumstances will automatically cancel the insurance and assistance and will result in the loss of all the money paid and left as a deposit, as well as the cancellation of the contract.
D. – In case of breakdown or theft of the vehicle, the customer will be required to pay up to 350 Euro for groups of vehicles MA and MB; up to 450 Euro for groups MC, MD and MI; up to 1000 Euro for cars in groups A, B, C, and motorbikes and quad bikes corresponding to groups ME, MF, MG, MJ y MK; up to 1500 Euro for groups D, DA, E, FA, G, H and I; 2000 Euro for vehicles in groups I AUTO, J, K and L; 2500 Euro for groups I AUTO PLUS, M, N and O; and 3000 Euro for groups P and Q. Any type of insurance will be invalidated if at the time of the accident or theft the client would not have paid the corresponding rental fee up to the date of the accident or theft.

E. – The holder of the card with which any payment or deposit is made must be present at the signing of the rental agreement and prove his or her ownership.

F. – The vehicle’s mileage is limited to 150 kilometers per day.



INFORMATION ON FILES AND PROCESSING: In accordance with the provisions of European Regulation 2016/679 (RGDP), we inform you that the personal data collected here will be included in files owned by A. TURBO RENT A CAR S.L., with registered office at Av. Cala de Bou 07829 San Jose, Illes Balears, Spain.

CONTACT DATA: The personal data collected in relation to a query or request will be processed for the processing of the same, as well as, where appropriate, to contact you in relation to it.

THIRD PARTY DATA: In the event of providing personal data belonging to third parties, you declare that you have the consent of the affected parties to do so, having previously informed them of the content of this privacy policy.

RIGHTS OF THE INTERESTED PARTY – Those affected may exercise their rights of access, rectification, limitation, suppression and opposition in writing, accompanied by a copy of their ID card and sent to the address indicated above or to the e-mail address: info@turborentacar.com.


INFORMATION ON FILES AND PROCESSING: In accordance with the provisions of European Regulation 2016/679 (RGDP), you are hereby informed that the personal data collected here will be included in files owned by A. TURBO RENT A CAR S.L., with registered address at Av. Cala de Bou 07829 San Jose, Illes Balears, Spain.

CONTACT DATA: The personal data collected in relation to a query or request will be processed for the processing of the same, as well as, where appropriate, to contact you in relation to it.

THIRD PARTY DATA: In the event of providing personal data belonging to third parties, you declare that you have the consent of the affected parties to do so, having previously informed them of the content of this privacy policy.

RIGHTS OF THE INTERESTED PARTY – Those affected may exercise their rights of access, rectification, limitation, suppression and opposition in writing, accompanied by a copy of their ID card and sent to the address indicated above or to the e-mail address: info@turborentacar.com.